· Disaster preparedness · Church Planting · Movie Making · Sailing · Christ In The Community · Christ Not Bullets · Sails Of Hope Ships · Nehemiah Family Empowerment & Caribbean Aid Volunteer Program           Caribbean Aid offer’s short-term missions trips to: Caribbean and South America.




Our Moto: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6


The purpose of S.A.Y. Yes! is: To help youth develop a lifelong, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ


The S.A.Y. Yes! model is built on three Guiding values:


1. Christ-centered “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” John 14:6 NIV S.A.Y. Yes! is helping youth become independently dependent on Jesus Christ.


2. Focused on the whole child “He answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’” Luke 10:27 NIV


S.A.Y. Yes! is committed to: • Making disciples. • Intentionally addressing all five areas in a child’s life.

1. Spiritual

2. Physical

3. Emotional

4. Intellectual

5. Socia


Connecting with the influences in a child’s life, such as friends and school, but especially the family.


3. Long-term commitment “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 To help children sustain any transformation requires a long-term commitment. Our hope is to see children transformed so that they will impact others in their families and neighbourhoods.


Components of the S.A.Y. Yes! Model


Education (academic foundation)

Spiritual Growth (biblical foundation)

Life Skills (practical knowledge for success)



FOR LOCATIONS AND TO VOLUNTEER WHATSAPP TEL: (+1784) 533-8103 call (1246) 433-0566





1. To empower the vulnerable families who have been negatively affected by low income, gun violence, flooding and hurricanes


2. To help families to transform/improve their living condition and Communities.


Main Activities




Organize training courses for vulnerable families to acquire necessary skills to improve their living. Courses are Computer Literacy, Food and Nutrition, Remedial Classes in Math, English, Reading, T-Shirt Making, Soap Making, Movie Making, Fish Farming, Green House Farming and Hydroponics Technology. Each course runs for 12 weeks with 12-20 persons per session. Most courses are offered to families for free of charge.


Nehemiah Project Barbados
Putting Hydroponics Technology In The Hands Of Caribbean  Families For Greater Food Security.


 Background and Justification:



The problems the Nehemiah Project Barbados would help resolve:


- Lack of home base business opportunities and activities

- Low exposure to and knowledge of Hydroponics Technology

- Very low family income levels


The need for a project was determined:

'-After the emerging of the corona virus global pandemic

- the high level of unemployment due to business closure from the pandemic


A. Immediate objectives


- To offer home base business opportunities from hydroponics activities to hundreds of families.

- To give the families a means of food security in the face of a global pandemic and climate change.


   B. Long-term objectives


- To increase the literacy of hydroponics technology level of families in Communities.

- To develop training opportunities in hydroponics to engage parents and children collectively in communities.

- To raise the income levels of families in communities.


   Special Features

 - There will be a community hydroponics garden that will be used as a training station for families.

 -There will be an introduction of seedling production to households across communities





A. Expected project results


- In its first year, the Nehemiah Project Barbados will impact thirty-six thousand six hundred (36,600) households across the Island of Barbados

- The positive influence of the Nehemiah Project Barbados, will keep the community's youth away from crime and occupied with more fruitful pursuits.

- Education and literacy rates will rise, opening a path to post-secondary education.

- The youth will direct their energy and creativity into entrepreneurship, increasing social mobility in the communities.

-  The Nehemiah Project Barbados will create a safe learning environment where families will be able to develop prosperous talents and abilities.


 B. Project activities and programs


- hydroponics

- Entrepreneurial programs

- Exporting

- Fishing/ marine conservation program

- Movie making - Community disaster volunteers

- Job training and career advice - Counseling

- Distinguished local and international speakers


C. Project Beneficiaries & Impact:


- Hundreds of children, teenagers, and adults in depressed communities in Barbados.

- The project is expected to positively impact Barbados by lowering the crime rate, increasing educational achievement and bolstering the economies of communities.


D. Management of the Project:

Caribbean Aid in association with local churches will implemented and manage the project.




All finances and programs will be planned and monitored in a checks and balances system. The members of the board and officers of Caribbean Aid will work together in planning for the yearly expenditures prior to the start of each new year. The project will run six weeks training course and other activates, management and monitoring of expenditures and operations will be controlled by the head administrator and officers of Caribbean Aid.


Phases of Implementation:


        Phase 1: Mobilization Phase

Phase 2: Training Phase

                        Phase 3: Community Implementation


Empowering Caribbean Families To Build Resilient & Sustainable Communities

Purpose of Project